
Showing posts from July, 2023

Top 90+ Angular Interview Questions And Answers

What is Angular and what are its key features ? What is a Single page application ? What is a component in Angular ? What are the lifecycle hooks in an Angular component ? How to implement routing in Angular web components ? What is lazy loading in Angular ? What are the ways to share data between 2 components ? What are custom directives in Angular and how to create them ? What is the difference between ng serve and npm start ? What is the difference between ng add and npm install ? Can we use jQuery in Angular 2/4/5 ? How to call an API in Angular ? What is the difference between 'dependencies' and 'dev-dependencies' properties in package.json ? What is replay subject in angular ? What is the difference between adding styles and scripts in angular.json and adding styles and scripts in index.html ? What is the difference between cold observables and hot observables  ? What are the properties inside @ngModule decorator ? How to generate a component using cli command wit...

Top 30 CSS Interview Questions And Answers

Explain CSS position properties  ? What are pseudo elements and pseudo classes ? What is the difference between display inline, display inline block and display block ? Difference between Display none and Visibility hidden ? In how many ways can we add CSS to our HTML file ? What are the new features in CSS3 ? What are the different types of Selectors in CSS ? What is the difference between active and focus pseudo classes ? What is CSS box sizing property ? What is the box model in CSS ? What is the difference between top and margin top ? What is the difference between bottom and margin bottom ? What is the difference between vh, px and percent ? What is the difference between rem and em ? What is :root in css ? What is the meaning of 1. div ~ p 2. div + p 3. Div > p in CSS ? important What are media queries ? How do you create a responsive design using CSS3 ? How to align an element both vertically and horizontally at the center of it’s parent element  ? How to animate in ...

Top Typescript Interview Questions And Answers (2023)

Top Typescript Interview Questions And Answers (2023) What is TypeScript and how is it different from JavaScript ? What are the benefits of using TypeScript ? How do you declare a variable in TypeScript ? What is a union type in TypeScript ? How do you define an interface in TypeScript ? How do you use generics in TypeScript ? What is a namespace in TypeScript, and how can you use it ? How can you use decorators in TypeScript ? How can you use the “public”, “private”, and “protected” modifiers in TypeScript ? What is a type assertion in TypeScript, and how can you use it ? For more questions and answers visit our website at  frontend interview questions

HTML Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

What are the new features of HTML5  ? What is the purpose of the doctype declaration in HTML5 ? What would happen if I would not declare doctype in html ? What are data attributes in HTML5 and how are they used ? What is the difference between HTML and HTML5 ? Difference between SVG and Canvas ? What is the difference between localstorage , session storage and cookies ? What are the void elements in HTML ? What is BOM (browser object model ) and what is the root object in it ? What are the various formatting tags in HTML ? In how many ways you can display HTML elements ? What are data attributes in HTML5 and how are they used ? What are different types of list in HTML ? For more questions and answers visit our website at  frontend interview questions