Top 90+ Angular Interview Questions And Answers
What is Angular and what are its key features ? What is a Single page application ? What is a component in Angular ? What are the lifecycle hooks in an Angular component ? How to implement routing in Angular web components ? What is lazy loading in Angular ? What are the ways to share data between 2 components ? What are custom directives in Angular and how to create them ? What is the difference between ng serve and npm start ? What is the difference between ng add and npm install ? Can we use jQuery in Angular 2/4/5 ? How to call an API in Angular ? What is the difference between 'dependencies' and 'dev-dependencies' properties in package.json ? What is replay subject in angular ? What is the difference between adding styles and scripts in angular.json and adding styles and scripts in index.html ? What is the difference between cold observables and hot observables ? What are the properties inside @ngModule decorator ? How to generate a component using cli command wit...