Top 30 CSS Interview Questions And Answers
- Explain CSS position properties ?
- What are pseudo elements and pseudo classes ?
- What is the difference between display inline, display inline block and display block ?
- Difference between Display none and Visibility hidden ?
- In how many ways can we add CSS to our HTML file ?
- What are the new features in CSS3 ?
- What are the different types of Selectors in CSS ?
- What is the difference between active and focus pseudo classes ?
- What is CSS box sizing property ?
- What is the box model in CSS ?
- What is the difference between top and margin top ?
- What is the difference between bottom and margin bottom ?
- What is the difference between vh, px and percent ?
- What is the difference between rem and em ?
- What is :root in css ?
- What is the meaning of 1. div ~ p 2. div + p 3. Div > p in CSS ? important
- What are media queries ?
- How do you create a responsive design using CSS3 ?
- How to align an element both vertically and horizontally at the center of it’s parent element ?
- How to animate in css ?
- How to create a half circle using css ?
- How to create a triangle using css ?
- What are the limitations of CSS ?
- How to create a carousel using css ?
- What is SCSS ?
- What are mixins in SCSS ?
- Explain CSS flexbox with example ?
- In CSS flexbox how to to put a child div which is on 3rd position inside the parent to top inside the parent container ?
- What is the difference between CSS grid and CSS flexbox ?
- How to create a 9 square boxes with 3 rows and 3 columns using css ?
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