Frontend Interview Questions For 3 Years Of Experience

To be a successful frontend developer, you need a combination of technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and a good understanding of user experience design. Here are some essential skills for frontend development:

  1. Proficient in HTML: Understanding the structure, semantics, and best practices of HTML is essential for creating well-structured and accessible web pages.
  2. Strong CSS Skills: CSS is used for styling and layout. You should be proficient in CSS fundamentals, including selectors, box model, positioning, responsive design, and CSS frameworks.
  3. JavaScript and Frameworks: JavaScript is a core language for frontend development. Familiarity with JavaScript and its libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js is crucial for building interactive and dynamic web applications.
  4. Responsive Design: Ability to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices is essential for delivering a consistent and user-friendly experience across various platforms.

Front End Developer Interview Questions for 3 Years Of Experience

HTML Interview Questions for 3 Years Of Experience

  1. What is the use of aria hidden attribute ?
  2. What are some important points related to accessibility ?
  3. For accessibility which screen reader is used for which browser ?
  4. What are web workers ?
  5. Which html elements were used before HTML5 for embedding video into the website ?
  6. What is an image map ?
  7. What does semantic HTML mean ?
  8. What are the new features of HTML5 ?
  9. Explain use of meta tags in HTML ?
  10. What is view state and session state ?
  11. What should be preferred for storing tokens localstorage or session storage or cookies and why ?

  12.  CSS Interview Questions For 3 Years Of Experience

  1. Difference between display none and visibility hidden ?
  2. What are the new features in CSS3 ?
  3. What is the difference between active and focus pseudo classes ? -
  4. What is CSS box sizing property ? 
  5. What is the box model in CSS ?
  6. How do you create a responsive design using CSS3 ? 
  7. How to align an element both vertically and horizontally at the center of it’s parent element ?
  8. How to animate in css ?
  9. How to create a half circle using css ? 
  10. How to create a triangle using css ? 
  11. What is SCSS ? 
  12. What are mixins in SCSS ? 
  13. What are the benefits of using CSS preprocessors ?
  14. How can you implement responsive images ?
  15. Explain CSS flexbox with example ? 
  16. In CSS flexbox how to to put a child div which is on 3rd position inside the parent to top inside the parent container ?
  17. What is the difference between CSS grid and CSS flexbox ? 
  18. How to create a 9 square boxes with 3 rows and 3 columns using css ? 

JavaScript Interview Questions For 3 Years Of Experience

  1. What is Callback hell ?
  2. Explain promises in JavaScript ?
  3. Difference between observable and a promise
  4. How to create custom events in JavaScript ?
  5. Difference between prototype and _proto_ ?
  6. Explain prototypal inheritance in JavaScript ?
  7. Difference between for in and for of loop ?

  8. Difference between get and post methods ?
  9. Difference between post and put methods ?
  10. When we pass an object to a function are they passed by reference or by value ?
  11. What are the design patterns in JavaScript ?
  12. What do u understand by the terms mutable and immutable in JavaScript ?
  13. What is Async and Await in JavaScript ?
  14. Is array a data type ?
  15. How can we overwrite any JavaScript inbuilt property (like array.push())
  16. Explain exception handling in JavaScript ?
  17. Difference between a transpiler and a compiler ?
  18. How to apply conditional breakpoints in chrome browser debugging tool ?
  19. How to check if a number is an integer without using math function and without converting number into string or array ?
  20. Use of JavaScript clearInterval() ?
  21. How to define a private method or variable inside a class in JavaScript or ES6 ?
  22. Can arrow functions be used as constructor functions ?
  23. What is Map in JavaScript ?
  24. How to implement authentication in a website ?
  25. How would you implement pagination using JavaScript ?
  26. Difference between a browser tab and a window in context of localstorage and sessionstorage ?
  27. What is oauth in context of jwt ?
  28. What is nginx used for ?
  29. How to change the redirection URLs after the build has been made ?
  30. What is a JWT , what are it's parts and what is its use ?
  31. What are ‘set’ in javascript ?
  32. Do we have reverse() method on javascript string ?
  33. Name some array methods in JavaScript ?
  34. Which operation is faster among == and === ?
  35. Why storing JWT in cookie is safer than storing JWT in session storage or local storage? Is storing in cookie 100 percent safe ? what if I copy JWT from cookie in the browser debug panel and use it in a CSRF attack ?
  36. Explain Array's sort method for sorting numbers. What is the time complexity of this method ?
  37. What is quick sort and what is it's time complexity ?
  38. Write a code to flatten the contents of an object ?
  39. What is Micro frontend architecture ?
  40. What is the difference between first class function and higher order function ?    
  41. What is temporal dead zone ?
  42. What is the seal method in JavaScript ?
  43. What is functional programming in JavaScript ?
  44. Difference between put and patch method in javascript ?
  45. What is a REST API ?
  46. How to convert an object to an Array in JavaScript ?
  47. How to deep clone in JavaScript ?
  48. How to flatten an array in JavaScript ?
  49. What is debounce in JavaScript ?
  50. What is memoization in JavaScript ?
  51. How to write a function ‘Sum’ such that on calling sum(a)(b)(c)....() where a,b,c etc are numbers , the output will be a+b+c+....(function calls with parameters) ?

Angular Interview Questions For 3 Years Of Experience

  1. What are the ways to share data between 2 components ?
  2. What is lazy loading in Angular ?
  3. What are custom directives in Angular and how to create them ?
  4. What is the difference between ng serve and npm start ?
  5. What is the difference between ng add and npm install ?
  6. Can we use jQuery in Angular 2/4/5 ?
  7. What is replay subject in angular ?
  8. What is the difference between adding styles and scripts in angular.json and adding styles and scripts in index.html ?
  9. What is the difference between cold observables and hot observables ?
  10. What are the properties inside @ngModule decorator ?
  11. How to generate a component using cli command without creating its spec file ?
  12. What is RxJS ?
  13. What is the use of HttpClientModule ?
  14. Is it necessary to define a constructor in a component ?
  15. What are the security features in angular ?
  16. What is testbed in Jasmine ?
  17. What is the difference between Subject and Behaviour Subject ?
  18. What are the advantage of using observable instead of promise for http request ?
  19. Difference between authorization and authentication. Explain the basic difference and also in the context of an angular application ?
  20. What is AOT in Angular ?
  21. How to create custom pipe in Angular ?
  22. What are inbuilt Angular pipes ?
  23. Explain Software version nomenclature (semantic versioning) ?
  24. What is the use of tilde(~) and caret(^) sign in package.json ?
  25. What are interceptors in Angular ?
  26. Can we rename dist folder in Angular Project ?
  27. How would the browser Know that your app is an Angular based app ?
  28. How to make multiple http calls in parallel in Angular ?
  29. What is a module in TypeScript, and how can you use it ?
  30. How to hit an API before the loading of the appComponent ?
  31. If there is a package(or say library) that is not available through NPM , then how would you use it in your angular application ?
  32. How to implement treeshaking in Angular ?
  33. What can be the values of 'providedIn' property of @injectable decorator ?
  34. How to optimize Angular application using OnPush change detection strategy ?
  35. What is the latest Angular version and what are the new features added in it ?
  36. What are the types of forms available in Angular ? Explain with syntax.
  37. What are dynamic forms and how to create them in Angular ?
  38. How to show error messages on form controls ?
  39. How to use a service only for a specific component instead of the whole module ?
  40. Can you put ngIf and ngFor on same element ?
  41. What's the difference between Observable and Subject ?
  42. How does ng serve work ?
  43. How to improve Angular app performance ?
  44. What is AuthGuard in Angular ?
  45. Explain the canActivateChild route guard ?
  46. What is the difference between Canload and canActivate route guards ?
  47. Explain switch map , mergemap , forkjoin, combineLatest, concatMap, exhaustMap . what would happen if any of the requests fails in switch map , merge map or forkjoin ?
  48. What is dependency injection ?
  49. What's the difference between debounce and setTimeout ?
  50. What are RxJS key features ?
  51. What is the difference between 'from' and 'of' operator in RxJS ?
  52. How do you handle errors in RxJS observables ?
  53. What is the purpose of operators in RxJS, and can you give an example of a common operator ?
  54. What are services in Angular ?
  55. What is the difference between AOT and JIT ?
  56. What are the different building blocks of Angular ?
  57. How do you use the retry() operator in RxJS, and what is its purpose ?
  58. What is Angular change detection and how does it work ?
  59. How to dynamically create form fields with FormArray in Angular ?
  60. How to optimize an Angular application ?
  61. Explain pure and impure pipe in Angular ?
  62. Explain unit testing in Angular ?
  63. How to test an Angular Service ?
  64. Explain ngAfterContentInit hooks ?
  65. Explain ngAfterViewInit hook with example ?
  66. Difference between ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterViewInit ?
  67. What is View Encapsulation in Angular ?
  68. What is the use of polyfills ?
  69. What is scan operator in RxJS ?
  70. How does spyOn work in Angular ?
  71. How to mock http request in Angular ?

Git Interview Questions For 3 Years Of Experience

  1. How do you remove a file from a Git repository ?
  2. How do you undo the last Git commit ?
  3. How do you view the Git commit history ?
  4. What is tagging in git ?
  5. What is rollback in git ?
  6. What is git bisect command ?
  7. What is the use of Reflog in git ?
  8. How does Git handle file conflicts when merging branches ?
  9. What are Git hooks, and how can they be used in a repository ?
  10. Explain the concept of "cherry picking" in Git and how it can be done ?

JavaScript Coding Interview Questions 

  1. Write a code to display which character is coming how many times in a given string ?
  2. Write a function to check whether a string is a palindrome or not with time complexity of the code ?
  3. Given an array containing some numbers write a code to that will find out the missing numbers in the array's range ?
  4. Write a code to reverse all the words of a given string. For example :
    Input : “how are uoy”
    Output : “Woh era you”
  5. How to segregate 0s and 1s in an array in Javascript ?
  6. Write a function to check if an anagram of a string is palindrome or not ?
  7. Write a code to check if two strings are anagram of each other ?
  8. Write a code to group items of array by category ?
  9. How to get the maximum count of consecutive 1's in an array ?
  10. How do you write a factorial code in JavaScript ?
  11. Given an integer array, find the subarray with the largest sum, and return its sum ?
  12. How to merge two sorted arrays in JavaScript ?
  13. How do you check if a value is a prime number ?
  14. How to reverse a string in JavaScript using recursion ?

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